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Worldwide Rum suppliers

Master Rum blenders for three centuries

Who is E&A Scheer?

The history of E&A Scheer

About us

E&A Scheer was founded 3 centuries ago and has since then been active in the Rum world. Starting out as wine and Arrack merchants, we later began to focus on Rum. Soon after, the company began to blend Rum for consistency of quality. 

We now offer Rum with custom-made recipes created by our experienced master blenders from our Dutch warehouse and unique and rare aged Rum in barrels from our daughter company in Liverpool, UK.


Learn more about our history

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Environmental, Social & Governance

Rum sourcing.
Made more sustainable.

Sustainability Leadership 

As a significant buyer and supplier of Rum in bulk, E&A Scheer plays a pivotal role in the global Rum industry. We strive to use our leadership to drive Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related issues across the supply chain and make a significant and sustainable impact. We expect all employees and stakeholders to act in line with our principles.  


As early as 2012, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy stated: E&A Scheer wants to be the leading example in our supply chain for transparent and socially responsible business and to motivate others to join this movement. Nothing has changed. 


Our mission 

When it comes to ESG, we really do mean business. We have mapped out our mission for the next five to ten years, outlining clear goals and defining measurable actions for the short, medium, and long term. And we constantly monitor these goals using a number of dedicated standards, including our supplier rating on the SEDEX platform. We understand the journey will take time and team effort, but we are proud to be making headway.  


UN Sustainable Development Goals 

We are building our ESG strategy UN Sustainable Development Goals 8, 12, and 13 – and will go beyond existing certifications wherever possible. In doing so, we aim to leverage a pivotal position in the bulk Rum supply chain between producer and client/consumer to promote responsible action for people and planet.  


ESG goal 13: climate action


ESG goal 12: responsible consumption and production


ESG goal 8: decent work and economic growth





The E&A Scheer values

E&A Scheer is a global company operating in multiple regions with different laws and regulations, we believe that a uniform set of core values is essential to guide our decisions and actions. The values demonstrate our commitment to ethical behavior through the provision of guidelines of what you can expect from us and what we can expect from you.That is why we commit to the three values.

Icon Delivering goods and services of the highest standards
Icon Treating everyone equally and having respect for the environment
Icon Being honest in who we are and what we do

Recognised by the Dutch Royal Court

After blending and supplying bulk Rums across the globe over the last three centuries, E&A Scheer was exceptionally proud to be recognised by the Dutch Royal Courtin 2017. The right to carry the royal mark is appointed only after the most scrupulous selection process and represents industry leadership, an untarnished reputation, and a distinguished track record of quality, reliability, and continuity. 
Dutch royal award