Rum Raisin Ice Cream On The Rise

Written byE&A Scheer
Rum raisins ice cream
Published September 2024 | Average reading time: 2-3 minutes

This summer, ice cream lovers in Florida and New York have made their preferences clear—Rum raisin has topped the charts as the favourite ice cream flavour in both states. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Rum raisin ice cream has emerged as the second most searched-for flavour in the UK, signalling a growing global fascination. As consumers increasingly seek out unique and sophisticated flavours, Rum ice cream is quickly gaining traction.

Where Rum raisin ice cream came from

Rum raisin ice cream owes its creation to the people of Sicily, who were soaking Málaga raisins in Rum and combining them with vanilla gelato. As early as the 1930s, Rum raisin ice cream appeared in the Daily Ardmoreite newspaper in Oklahoma. Some credit this ice cream’s rise to popularity to Häagen-Dazs, who released this flavour to the masses in the early 1980s.

Why Rum raisin ice cream is gaining popularity

Rum raisin ice cream is experiencing a resurgence, driven by consumers' growing appetite for bold and unique flavours. According to a study by Barry Callebaut, 75% of global consumers are eager to explore new ice cream experiences. Ice cream brands have capitalised on this by introducing flavours that offer something beyond the typical sweet profiles, with Rum raisin standing out as a sophisticated choice. Its combination - rich Rum and sweet raisins- appeals not only to those seeking a nostalgic treat but also to consumers drawn to more refined and premium products.

Who is driving the demand?

While older generations, particularly those in regions with strong cultural ties to Rum, are naturally drawn to the flavour due to its familiarity, the modern twist on this classic has also caught the attention of younger consumers. These younger audiences, often looking for unique and sophisticated taste experiences, appreciate the complex flavour profile of Rum raisins. As a result, Rum raisin ice cream is enjoying popularity among a broader demographic, uniting both those who cherish tradition and those who seek culinary innovation.

Is this a fad or a lasting trend?

The resurgence of Rum raisin ice cream can be more than just a passing fad. It taps into consumers' growing appetite for bold and unique flavours, particularly among those looking for something beyond the usual options. This flavour's revival is supported by the broader trend towards premiumisation, where classic flavours are being reimagined with higher-quality ingredients.

Additionally, Rum raisin's deep cultural ties, particularly in regions like Florida and the Caribbean, give it a strong foundation that resonates across generations. The potential for continued innovation within this flavour category—such as experimenting with different types of Rum or pairing it with new ingredients—suggests that Rum raisin ice cream has the potential for long-term popularity rather than just being a temporary trend.

Enhancing your confectionery products with Rum

Are you looking to expand your ice cream product line to include the Rum raisin flavour? At E&A Scheer, we understand that creating high-quality Rum raisin ice cream requires the finest ingredients, starting with the Rum. As a trusted supplier of premium Rum to the confectionery industry, we provide the unique Rum that forms the backbone of your product. To start, visit our Rum Blending Tool to select your desired Rum profile.

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Frequently asked questions

Where does Rum raisin ice cream come from?

The creation of Rum raisin ice cream came from Sicily, Italy. Early producers were soaking Malaga raisins in Rum and combining them with vanilla gelato.

Can E&A Scheer supply Rum for other confectionery products?

Yes, we supply Rum in bulk for confectionery producers.

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