Batavia Arrack

Written byE&A Scheer
Rum Batavia Arrack

Discover Batavia Arrack, the Indonesian Rum 

One of oldest known distilled spirits, Batavia Arrack is produced exclusively on the island of Java, Indonesia. Batavia Arrack is set apart from other types of Rum by the use of local red rice. This rice is yeast fed local red rice, is then added to the molasses, and is hence the beginning of the fermentation process.  The distillation process can be traced back to ancient Chinese methods using traditional pot stills.

Rode Rijst voor Batavia Arrack

Red rice

Batavia Arrack vs Arak (or Arack or Arrack) 

Batavia Arrack is not to be confused with a wide range of alcoholic products distilled from a range of fruits and plants. For example, some Araks are produced from anis seeds, others from palm sap or coconuts. The name has its roots in the old Dutch term for Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital located on Java. Trade routes brought the spirit to Europe, where is became popular in the 18th and 19th centuries as an essential ingredient in Swedish Punsch.  

Batavia Arrack for the beverage industry 

The spirit’s potency is distinctive and divisive. Yet it can be transformative in combination with other flavours. For centuries, it has been used in the blending process by the beverage industries of traditional trading partners with the East Indies.  

Batavia Arrack for the flavour & fragrance industry

Most types of Batavia Arrack are also widely used as an ingredient in the flavour & fragrance industry. 

Batavia Arrack import and blending

E&A Scheer has been importing Batavia Arrack for over three centuries. In the early days, we mostly supplied European customers, but today we ship the product to over 60 countries worldwide. As Rum specialists, we are always happy to advise you on the optimal use of Batavia Arrack in your specific product or market.


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